Under normal healthy circumstances your hair follows a natural cycle of renewal. Your hair grows, it rests, it falls out and grows again.
Not all at once of course. At any one time, a small hardly-noticeable percentage of your hair is in a rest phase. At the end of this phase, that hair falls out and new hair grows in its place. It is normal to shed small amounts of hair every day as part of this renewal process.
Alopecia is a medical term used to describe an unnatural loss of hair from all over the body including the head. There are many forms of alopecia including the following:
The sudden loss of hair can be caused by a variety of health conditions. Chemotherapy is a commonly known cause of hair loss. But there are other health conditions that can cause hair loss including:
Double Blind Study: The Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in Scotland found that certain essential oils were extremely effective in combating Alopecia Areata.
Recipe: Dilute thyme, rosemary, lavendar or cedarwood in a carrier such as olive or grapeseed oil. Use 5 drops essential oil to for every 20 drops carrier oil. Massage into the scalp every night before sleep.
Finally stress can cause sudden hair loss. Too much consistent stress can cause a variety of autoimmune responses include hair loss.
An autoimmune response is when the body attacks itself in some way for some reason. Research the world over cites a causal relationship between an unhealthy immune system and inflammation which in turn leads to all sorts of diseases from hair loss to cancer and heart disease. An autoimmune response is a classic sign of excessive inflammation. It can be caused by stress, toxins, and unhealthy diets with too much sugar, unhealthy fats and processed foods.
If you experience sudden hair loss seek advice from a health practitioner. If no medical cause explains your hair loss, carefully consider your life style. Are you overweight? Do you eat too much sugar, drink too much alchohol? Do you get enough exercise? Are you constantly under stress?
It is possible to eliminate inflammation and boost your immune system with exercise, meditation and diet. Use natural detox methods to rid your body of harmful toxins and try yoga to combat stress.
Diet is the key to good health and this is true for your skin and hair which require the same nutrients for healthy growth.
Omega-3 fatty acids, a key element in the prevention of inflammation, is also critical for healthy hair. Eat oily fish, nuts or flax seeds to get omega-3 in your diet.
Other essential nutrients include vitamins A, B, C, plenty of protein, iron and biotin. Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables and beans along with eggs to get these important nutrients.
A zinc deficiency can cause hair loss and selenium is required for a healthy scalp. One brazil nut per day contains an adequate supply of selenium and walnuts, cashews, almonds and pecans are all good sources of zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.
Finally, good sources of calcium, critical for bone health, are also essential for healthy hair.
While some people are losing their hair, others have the opposite problem: too much hair! If you have that problem see the right laser hair removal.
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